Pre-ordering is available!

First, I want to thank everyone who showed concern and support about the back problem I wrote about a couple of weeks ago. Amazingly enough, with icing, Advil, and gentle movement, it slowly improved, and today is completely healed. I still hold on to the lesson I learned about not taking health for granted and appreciating and enjoying all the good in my life!

The second thing is exciting news – my memoir, which will be published on September 5, 2023, is now available for pre-order! It’s often helpful to authors to pre-order books; it gives booksellers a sense of how much demand there will be and how to stock their shelves. However, if you prefer to wait until the book is available for shipping, purchasing it on or after September 5th is just as great. (I’ll remind you about it that day!)

I would love to sell many copies, but I’m actually more interested that the book reaches those people who might benefit the most from reading it. It’s ultimately a story of hope, healing, and restoration of self.

Some of its themes are:

·         Family relationships – both healthy and unhealthy

·         Spiritual journey – searching for an authentic relationship with the transcendent

·         Marriage – its struggles and joys

·         Parenthood – its ability to open the heart

·         Recovery from abuse – a teen relationship with a trusted teacher

·         Self-discovery – uncovering hidden truths through therapy

·         Healing – repairing wounds and finding wholeness

·         Empowerment – becoming the best version of ourselves 

Over the next few months, I’ll share some reflections and excerpts from the book addressing these various themes.

Here is a Preface that doesn’t appear in the book but summarizes why I wrote and published it -

Healing from our past wounds and traumas is possible! Humans all share the desire to be safe, loved, and at peace within ourselves - and this is possible and available for everyone. Many resources are available to help guide us toward greater self-awareness and self-compassion. We can discover where we have agency and choice and how to hold what we cannot change or control with greater ease and grace.

Some key ingredients for healing include love, trusted friends and family, safe and therapeutic relationships, and safe and caring communities. When people are struggling or suffering, they also sometimes look for guidance and support from spiritual practices, which come in various forms. The right fit of these key ingredients can bring the medicine we most need. This is what happened with me.

My story involves three interwoven journeys – writing, healing, and spirituality. Together they have led me into a life of greater joy, ease, clarity, and freedom. I am forever grateful for it all.

I deeply hope that my story of healing can inspire possibility in others who may be struggling in similar ways.

Options for pre-ordering (an audiobook version should also be available on or before September 5):


Barnes & Noble


Do any of the themes in my book resonate with you?

You’re welcome to leave comments or your own reflections below … and please sign up for my newsletter at the top of this page if you haven’t already.

Liz Kinchen

Mindfulness Meditation Teacher

What is Enough?


A Little Wake-Up Call