
It feels like forever since my last blog post; lately, it's been book events I've emailed about. Thank you for being kind and supportive! 

Today, I want to check in and reflect on what I’ve been learning since birthing this baby …

 First of all, I love talking with people about the themes in my book: families, marriage, relationships, abuse– the good, the bad, and the ugly AND, of course, the learning, growth, healing, resilience, and the joy. I thought this would be difficult, but it is a delight.

People have so many thoughtful questions and comments. I so appreciate the engagement of others because this is why I worked to put this book into the world; hoping it might matter to someone, that it might help someone. So, I am deeply grateful for everyone who engages with these themes with me.

 Second, I’m learning that there are phases, much like the phases of a developing child, that this process presents. Of course, there are practical phases: writing, editing, cover design, formatting, printing, marketing, etc. There are also process and personal phases: hard work, confusion, waiting, anticipation, excitement, joy, celebration, exhaustion, wondering if I can be done now, hoping I’m never done. 

Right now, if I tell the truth, I am in a phase of exhaustion. Happy exhaustion, because things seem to be going well with publicity, events, and interest. Yet, I never expected to feel so tired, even when laced with the exhilaration of speaking and sharing. I know that, like all phases, this will shift and morph into something else.

 Third, and maybe this is really first: it takes a village to create, birth, and nurture a book. I have a cadre of faithful supporters who read early drafts, gave feedback, and now come to my events, spread the word, and connect me with opportunities to connect with others. I could not do this alone – as is true with almost all things in life – and every day, I am thankful for these supporters – for YOU!

 What’s next? I’m often asked if I have plans for another book. To this, I point out that if you ask a woman who has just given birth if she wants to have more children, you will likely get glared at, if not have something hurled your way. I’m a little more mannerly than throwing things, but that feeling of not being able to see past this moment is how I feel about writing more books. It might turn out that I do, but I cannot go there right now. Right now, I’m looking for corners of rest!

 Regarding my book, I plan to keep speaking, learning, and sharing. For now, that’s enough.

Regarding my teaching, I plan to keep offering classes, workshops, and retreats. One clear message from my book is that healing from traumas of many kinds is possible and that the gifts of mindfulness and compassion are beautiful tools for healing, especially from relational stressors and traumas.

To that end, I have created a course called, not surprisingly, Mindfulness and Compassion: A Way of Healing. This is an introduction to this topic, and the same material is offered in two different formats, both in January 2024:

  •     A 4-week evening online class

  •     A half-day in-person workshop

To learn more about these, visit

I’d love to see you at a book event - I’m going to focus on libraries, perhaps high schools or colleges, and book clubs in 2024. And, I’d love to see you in a class in the near future.

I’m going to close with a reflection question, as I usually do:

What phase are you aware of being in right now in your life? What’s your relationship to it? At peace, grateful, resistant, restless … ?

You’re welcome to leave comments or your own reflections below … and please sign up for my newsletter at the top of this page if you haven’t already.

Liz Kinchen

Mindfulness Meditation Teacher



Change and Growth